How can car park sharing assist in the return to your office post Covid-19?


Managing your return to the office during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond

We are currently navigating times that are unprecedented. The world has faced pandemics before, but never has the spread and therefore impact been so rapid.

On top of the obvious human impacts, businesses are facing enforced and unplanned down time due to government lock-downs, creating severe financial impacts. Businesses are now wanting to return to work as quickly and safely as possible. So how could an office car park sharing app like Flex Parking, potentially help as we start to return to office based working?


A lot of companies are looking at a "staggered" return to the office, to ensure physical distancing is practical. This approach also helps to manage risk, by ensuring that if one group of employees does become affected, it won't as easily spread to the rest of the team, helping with business continuity. This requires a scheduling or reservation system that is simple to use and understand. This system also needs to retain historical bookings in case contact tracing is required and a business needs to know which  staff were in the office on what days.


A lot of people that work in CBD/office type environments will likely be inclined to want to avoid close contact public transport for a while. If this means they are driving their car to work, ideally businesses will also not want their people using public facilities such as parking buildings/meters. At the same time, with a reduced work-force in the office there may be parks going spare which others in the team can use.


Many businesses are also considering appealing to their team to take a reduced salary or hours to reduce operational costs for a few months. On the other  hand, they want to retain their  best people to ensure a stronger recovery once the dust settles. Remote working helps offset some of this due to travelling and food costs (those coffees and lunches add up!), but offering a further "perk" of an onsite car park can also help further reduce their costs, by reducing public parking costs and utilising a resource that is likely already paid for by the business.

The Flex Parking app is a low-cost solution that can help deliver the outcomes above and more. Get in touch for more information or click sign up in the menu for a free trial.

Kyle Turner